SnapEarth EarthAgriculture Pilot Webinar

30 June 2022

We are pleased to invite you to the first EarthAgriculture user workshop that will take place on Thursday, 7th of July 2022, from 14h30 to 15h30 CEST

During the workshop, we will introduce you the first version of the EarthAgriculture, an online processing service targeting agricultural products.

The EarthAgriculture service is intended to provide to users simplified processing services, based on Sen2Agri/Sen4CAP systems:

  • It offers a self-service Web portal simplifying the use of services and the decision making
  • It uses EarthSignature land cover database (developed within SnapEarth project) to generate training samples as input of processing chains
  • It uses EarthSelf, the Cloud-ready environments deployment service (developed within SnapEarth project) to run on Copernicus DIAS

To register for the workshop, please use the link below:



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