SafeScale is at the pillar of the SnapEarth platform to ensure the portability of the deployments.
SafeScale Platform, an open source multicloud DevOps solution designed & developed by CS GROUP, aims at creating on-demand computing platforms, built to be highly versatile and providing all necessary building blocks to create a cutting-edge, production grade, scalable and highly available services: Micro service orchestration, Big Data frameworks, large scale data management, dashboards.
EarthSelf is a Cloud-agnostic management platform optimised for EO treatment. It is dedicated to anyone wishing to use Earth Observation data to develop and/or exploit a new service. Its targets could be identified as Value-Added Service developers (VAS developers).
SnapEarth video # 1 - idea of the SnapEarth project, its services and pilots.
EarthPress Pilot video - describing the assumptions of Earth Press Pilot.